Pastoral Council of St. Anthony Parish
Unapproved Minutes
January 23, 2024
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Andy Boyd, Mike Bucher, Van Heinz, Debbie Bush, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim
Guests: Building Committee members Jan Brock, Fred Boyd, Dave Weber, Larry Knott
Pastoral Assistants: Steve & Judy Dewell
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:00 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Parish Center Completion & Dedication Planning
Members of the Building Committee were present to discuss details of the Parish Center completion and preparation for the first event as well as plans for the building dedication and blessing.
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting will be February 20, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
Approved Pastoral Council Minutes
October 17, 2023
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Mike Bucher, Debbie Bush, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim
Regrets: Andy Boyd, Van Heinz
Pastoral Assistants: Steve & Judy Dewell
Guest(s): N/A
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:00 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the 09/19/23 meeting were presented and reviewed. Action: Motion made by Debbie Bush to approve the minutes as written; motion seconded by Dee Dee Dewell; motion passed.
Finance Council Report:
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Van Heinz, Debbie Bush, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim
Regrets: Bruce Millershaski, Mike Bucher, Andy Boyd
Pastoral Assistants: Steve & Judy Dewell
Guest(s): N/A
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Dee Dee Dewell, Secretary, at 7:00 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the 07/18/23 meeting and 08/23/23 special electronic action regarding approval of the asbestos remediation bid were presented and reviewed. Action: Motion made by Van Heinz to approve the minutes as written; motion seconded by Debbie Bush; motion passed.
Finance Council Report:
Old Business:
New Business:
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
St. Anthony’s Finance Council - St. Anthony’s Catholic School
Members Present: Father Jim Dieker, Marci Kumle, Pam Milford, Myron Burns, Andy Boyd
7:03 P.M. - Prayer & Welcome by Father Jim
Next meeting to be held July 27th @ 7 PM.
Meeting Adjourned 8:15 PM
Notes on Budget/QB Report (Will review at 7/27 Meeting)
Ligouri Bulletin Price - $12 per week/3 Parishes
5117 Charitable Gifts – needed moved to another account
5703 Vendor Reimb – 2 from AT & T, 1 from Key Office store credit
7017 Adult Relig Ed – Cleared a check that was not cashed from previous year so shows as credit
7020 – Binated Masses – 2 checks, 9/7 $523, 4/4 $530
7044 – Worship Materials – lector books, combined with Votives, Papers, Pamphlets
7047 – Fees-Other – Memo says “Review Lease ammendment and email to Sister Janice”
7051/52 – PSR – Moved high school books from GS to HS and adjusted
7054 – Subscriptions – Formed and 2 Father had listed on his expenses
7056 – Funeral Exp – Meade Thriftway Bills
7086 – Payroll Taxes – used by last bookkeeper, I split my in liabilities and the payments go there to reflect what is taken from taxes.
7173/74 – Maintenance All Buildings/Rep – Mowing, tree trimming, spraying, Dewell Motor for mower maint. – Repair account has Foster Frigeration, Service Janitorial, Fire Alarm, renamed one account to reflect outdoor maintenance
7177 – Supplies – No supplies this year, last one 5/22
7206 – Taxes – Prev bookkeeper put property taxes here, I have been putting them in Farm, Prop Tax
7207 – Taxes Gas Royalty Int – Seward County Payments 2
Unapproved Pastoral Council Minutes
July 18, 2023
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Mike Bucher, Andy Boyd, Van Heinz, Debbie Bush, Steve Dewell, Judy Dewell, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim.
Pastoral Assistants: Steve & Judy Dewell
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:07 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the 06/20/23 meeting were presented and reviewed. Action: Motion made by Debbie Bush to approve the minutes as written; motion seconded by Van Heinz; motion passed.
Finance Council Report:
Land Sale: Fr. Jim read a letter he wrote to Kevin Hageman, Grant Harris and Tom Huelskamp asking for their assessment for sale of property. Tom advised we should get three independent appraisals. The committee will get together and report to us. Finance Council meets this Thursday.
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Marci Kumle, Mike Bucher, Andy Boyd, Van Heinz, Debbie Bush, Dee Dee
Dewell and Father Jim. New members Van and Debbie were welcomed and introductions were made.
Pastoral Assistants: Steve & Judy Dewell
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:00 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the 05/16/23 meeting were presented and reviewed. Action: Motion made by Mike
Bucher to approve the minutes as written; motion seconded by Marci Kumle; motion passed.
Executive Session:
The council went into Executive Session to discuss matters of the parish building project progress and
Finance Council Report:
At the last meeting, the Finance Council discussed selling the parish land in order to finance the rest
of the building project and how it could be marketed. The recent referendum question put to the
parishioners at the June 4th Mass resulted in a majority response toward sale of the land versus
keep the land, although there were many parishioners not present at that mass.
Pastoral Council discussed other possible options for the land if not sold. Fr. Jim proposed to have
Tom Huelskamp and two other representatives serve as a committee to assess the land for
marketing and sale. Fr. Jim is asking for suggestions for the two additional representatives.
Members will provide suggestions to Fr. Jim. The lease for farming is being reviewed by the
Diocesan lawyers. Action: After further discussion, a motion was made by Andy Boyd to table the
decision on the land sale until the committee is formed and further assessment of all options is
completed. Motion was seconded by Mike Bucher and motion carried.
Feast of Corpus Christi Mass with Fr. Jim’s anniversary meal/celebration was very successful and
well attended.
Eucharistic Revival adult formation opportunity is being planned for fall.
More servers are needing to be trained to fill the ministry schedule rotations.
August 15 th is Feast of the Assumption. We will have a Mission priest serving us for the Masses,
which will be Monday at 7:00 pm in Fowler, Tuesday at 5:30 pm in Meade and 7:00 pm in Plains.
Religious Education:
The gift certificates for the teachers have been distributed by Fr. Jim.
No report.
Parish School Repair: Guthrie’s still needs to finish the carpet on the walls and the kitchen floor tile
is on back order.
Parish Hall Razing: Mike Bucher presented the bid from the KDHE contractor for asbestos
inspection. Cost is $1100. Action: Motion was made by Marci Kumle to approve moving forward
with the inspection; motion seconded by Debbie Bush and motion carried.
Old Business:
Parish Bulletin Upgrade: The other two parishes have approved the new bulletin format. The cost
will be about $4.00 a week for each parish. The bulletins will be 17 x 11 folded to 8.5 x 11. Judy will
contact the Liguori representatives regarding the timeline of getting the new covers in. Action:
Motion was made by Marci Kumle to approve the new bulletin format/printing as discussed;
motion seconded by Debbie Bush and motion carried.
Threshing Day Fundraising: Communications about Market in the Park St. Anthony Booth will be
placed bake sale, craft items and Bruce’s cutting boards/charcuterie boards raffle will be placed on
the Facebook Parish and Threshing Days pages and shared from there. Judy advised that many
contributions are being received and she is still accepting them. There will be bake sale items,
homemade soaps and variety of craft items for sale plus raffle items to include two quilts made by
Sarah Lauppe and Debbie Bush and several cutting/charcuterie boards crafted by Bruce Millershaski.
New Business:
Parish Center Rental Agreement: Dee Dee presented a draft agreement for review, discussion and
edits. Dee Dee will make edits as discussed and present the revised agreement at the next meeting.
Dee Dee will contact Terry Shinogle from Plains to discuss options for building locks and secure entry
for renters.
A representative of Pastoral Council needs to serve on the Finance Council to replace Marci Kumle,
outgoing member. Action: Motion was made by Mike Bucher to nominate Andy Boyd to fill the
Finance Council seat; motion was seconded by Van Heinz and motion carried.
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18,
2023, 7:00 p.m.
Unapproved Pastoral Council Minutes
May 16, 2023
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Marci Kumle, Mike Bucher, Andy Boyd, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim.
Regrets: Steve & Judy Dewell
Pastoral Assistants:
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:00 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Unapproved Pastoral Council Minutes
April 18, 2023
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Marci Kumle, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim.
Regrets: Moe Ptacek, Mike Bucher, Andy Boyd
Pastoral Assistants: Judy & Steve Dewell
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:25 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the 03/21/23 meeting were presented and reviewed. Action: Motion made by Dee Dee
Dewell to approve the minutes as written; motion seconded by Marci Kumle; motion passed.
Finance Council Report:
Finance Council meets on April 19 to discuss the process for selling the parish land.
Fr. Jim presented for discussion and consideration a new format for the bulletin using a pre-printed
bulletin cover on 11x17 paper with Meade County parishes content inside. The covers are from
Liguori and the cost would be $7.95 per 100 printed covers to be allocated across all three parishes.
Logistics around formatting the layout with our software and current printer capabilities will have to
be considered. Father will visit with the other two parishes to seek their input and report back at the
next meeting.
Religious Education:
First Confessions were held on March 22 nd and First Communion is this coming Sunday, April 23 rd .
There will be three communicants.
Ideas are welcome for fund-raising activities and a raffle at Fowler Threshing Day. Bruce offered to
make some cutting/charcuterie boards, Sarah Jordan might make a quilt and others could contribute
toward a bake sale. An announcement will go in the bulletin to invite ideas and contributions from
Parish School Repair: We are waiting for Guthrie’s to come and install the flooring and carpet to
finish the project. The building will have to undergo a deep cleaning before being used.
Parish Hall Razing: Jeff Glenn is done with his part except for getting the cabinets out and the floor
joists. Nasario and his staff cannot start for a couple of months.
Parish Center: Work continues on the building and we are waiting for electricity to be run.
Building: Steve suggested we wait until fall to spray the grounds due to all the activity happening
right now. Dee Dee will get the window cleaning product that was suggested by Mike Bucher when
time and weather permits, the product will be tested on a couple of windows before enlisting a
team of people to clean all the windows.
Old Business:
June 11 is the Feast of St. Anthony and we plan to celebrate it with Mass at 3 p.m. instead of 10:30
a.m. followed by a parish pot luck. In conjunction with the feast day Mass, we will also celebrate Fr.
Jim’s 30 th anniversary of his ordination. Bishop Brungardt was asked if available and he is not able to
attend. Father Jim’s family will be invited to share in the celebration with us. Rhonda Milford has
been asked to enlist the Guilds to plan the pot luck, decorations and bulletin/social media
announcements. We will plan to use the school kitchen area to serve from with tables/chairs both
inside and outside (weather permitting).
New Business:
Parish Center Rental Facilitator & Rental Agreement: Dee Dee Dewell has offered to serve as the
facilitator and help develop the contract, fees, requirements, etc. A secondary person or couple
needs to be identified as a backup for times when Dee Dee may be gone.
Election of Pastoral Council Members: Two members will be going off the council and Moe Ptacek is
moving away, so three seats need to be filled. It was agreed to ask Mike Bucher to serve another
term since he filled the vacant seat left mid-term by Preston Cunningham. Suggested nominees to
run for the other two seats include Debbie Bush, Van Heinz, Devin or Laura Hamilton and Jill Leis.
Dee Dee will visit with Van Heinz and Debbie Bush to seek their interest in being placed on the ballot
and will report back at the next meeting.
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16,
2023, 7:00 p.m.
Unapproved Pastoral Council Minutes
March 21, 2023
Present: Bruce Millershaski, Marci Kumle, Andy Boyd, Mike Bucher, Dee Dee Dewell and Father Jim.
Regrets: Moe Ptacek
Pastoral Assistants: Judy & Steve Dewell
Call to Order, Opening Prayer & Introductions:
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Millershaski at 7:05 p.m. with prayer led by Fr. Jim.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the 02/21/23 meeting were presented and reviewed. Action: Motion made by Marci
Kumle to approve the minutes as written; motion seconded by Andy Boyd; motion passed.
Finance Council Report:
Fr. Jim reported that the parish has secured a loan from the Diocese to pay for the unfunded portion
of the parish center construction. It is a 15-year loan at an interest rate of 5%.
Vigil Mass at Fowler: 2 candidates for baptism and 3 candidates for confirmation
Two people from St. Anthony will be attending the Chrism Mass on March 30 th .
Reconciliation, Holy Week & Easter Masses Schedule:
o March 5 communal penance service in Fowler
o April 6: Holy Thursday Mass for all three parishes will be held in Plains at 7:00 p.m.
o April 7: Good Friday services will be held in Meade at 12:00 noon, 3:00 p.m. in Fowler, 5:00
p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Plains.
o April 8/April 9: St Anthony will host the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday at 9:00 p.m. Easter
Sunday Masses will be at 8:30 a.m. in Meade and in Plains at 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Adult Formation:
Women’s bible study group continues on Monday evenings at the Fowler Public Library. The current
study will wrap up on March 27 th .
Religious Education:
First Confessions will be held on March 22 at 6:00 p.m.
First Communion will be held on Sunday, April 23.
Welcome folders are at the back of church to be given to new families.
Parish School Repair: Painting is finished. Sewer system is being completely redone for the church,
school and parish center. Waiting on Guthrie’s to schedule dates to install carpet and flooring. The
entire school will need to be deep cleaned once work is completed.
Parish Center: Electrical work is being completed. HVAC equipment has been purchased. Cost of
project has increased significantly since original bids.
Parish Hall Razing: Mike Bucher reported that KDHE will provide a contact for asbestos inspection
and also provide a contact for the razing process and approval. Jeff Glenn has been working to
remove the flooring and getting the kitchen cabinets out. We need to make sure that Nasario has
personal liability insurance for his crew and has given us a certificate of insurance before starting
work. Snow fence has been donated to secure the perimeter of the building.
Old Business:
Celebration of Fr. Jim’s 30 th Anniversary of Ordination will be held on Sunday, June 11 th with 3:00
p.m. Mass followed by a parish meal in the new parish center if completed. Father’s family is invited
to attend along with Bishop Brungardt, although we have learned he is not available. Rhonda
Milford is enlisting the Guilds to coordinate the meal.
New Business:
Parish Land: Fr. Jim has received a warranty deed for the donated land. The parish should be able
to sell the property, but we need to seek approval from the Diocese. Next step would be to identify
a real estate professional to consult about the opportunity. Action: Consensus of the group is to
move forward with getting the green light from the Diocese to sell the land.
The parish has received a self-inspection report from Catholic Mutual that needs to be completed
and returned for the parish property. Fr. Jim recommended asking the company if we can defer the
completion until after the parish center construction is finished.
Next Meeting:
Agenda Item: Discussion of new parish center rental agreement and all terms needing to be
included. Fr. Jim and anyone else can gather sample agreements from other area parishes to review.
Bring ideas to next meeting for rental terms.
Adjournment & Closing Prayer:
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Jim. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18,
2023, 7:00 p.m.